I am very pleased to have now added to the Platinum Emofat program the incredible needle free, safe and effective,hypnotic mind jab. 

Are You Ready To Lose Weight ?


Have you have decided that now is the time to lose weight and keep it off?
Good, then our weight loss program can help you be successful in safely and effectively losing pounds feeling healthier and looking great.
How many times have you started a diet begun to see results and then slipped back into your old eating habits?
How often have you got to your goal weight and then put back on every single pound and maybe a bit more? You see diets on there own can be hard work...some are just downright dangerous and others leave you feeling deprived, guilty and bored a sure recipe for failure.
Are You A Victim of This?
Have you ever followed a diet to the letter, painstakingly followed all the instructions and still ended up not losing any weight or even worse putting more on?

If you have, rest assured you are not the only one. What happened next? Guilt, self esteem knocked, embarrassed... these are not good for anyone and often result in you accepting your fate and giving up. The unconscious mind does not like dramatic external change and so if calories are suddenly reduced or intake of particular foods, the Unconscious puts the body into starvation mode. Once the diet is over it will stockpile reserves of energy into fat which then gives you the typical yo-yo effect known to so many dieters. 
You may be told that you have no will power, which is just not true because people wanting to lose weight have just as much will power as anyone else.  Your conscious mind cannot do more than 7 things at once (+ or- 2), so those people leading a busy life (and this just about everyone nowadays) will fail using willpower. 
EmoFat is a comprehensive treatment to help with weight management. 
"Emotions have been identified as the reason why 95% of diets fail and why emotional eaters gain weight." (Carol Solomon, Ph.D)
If you are 20 pounds overweight, and most certainly 30 pounds or more overweight, then I will say there is a fair chance that you are using your fat as an armour shield.
Your fat armour is there to 'protect' you from something and quite frankly you will be very unlikely to know what it is because it has been buried in your subconscious which is currently running a program which it believes is helping you but unfortunately is keeping you fat.
The unconsciousis doing this out of love, because it believes it is the right response to information it received. Unfortunately it misinterpreted the original information and has come up with a less than ideal solution. 
Take this short quiz to see if you are an emotional eater, it's not definitive but it does give you some idea. 

When I'm anxious I reach for carbohydrates

When I'm angry I find myself grabbing food.

When I'm under stress I crave sweets.

When I feel criticized I start overeating.

When I feel lonely I binge on comfort foods.

When I feel bored I nibble continuously.

When I'm in an uncomfortable social situation I eat foolishly.

When I'm sad I comfort myself with fat producing foods.

When I've done something that was hard I reward myself by letting myself eat anything i want.

If you answered yes to one or more of the statements, unrecognized emotional factors may be causing you to overeat compulsively. 


Now what we have to do, is find the information it misinterpreted and ask the subconscious  if it can find a better way, a more acceptable way to manage that information. We will do this with various psychological techniques. We call this Subconsciously Locating Interfering Memories (S.L.I.M) â„¢
Once the original error is corrected, you can begin to lose the weight successfully.  Our approach to weight loss does not advocate a diet as such, just that you eat healthily. Healthy weight loss should never involve extreme reduction in caloric intake, or starvation diets. You will be shown the four key ways that will help you successfully lose weight and keep it off. Of course to lose weight you must use up more calories than you consume and this program will help you to achieve your goals as you take control over your eating. 
Emofat and SLIM is a multi - session program of four sessions (with an optional 5th at my discretion) ) and is done over the course of 8-9 weeks. You will have work to do in between sessions such as listening to recordings. You will be required to complete a questionnaire prior to the first session, this must be completed and returned prior to the first session.  
You will also be invited to join our facebook emofat support group to help you stay on track. 
As you can see our approach is quite comprehensive giving you the confidence you need to book a session with us and begin to see the changes you want. 

Copyright Paul Kay DHP

Look how all these people have transformed their bodies and you can do it too.